Rosalie Rendu

February 7: Feast of Bl. Rosalie Rendu

From the age of reason, Jeanne [Sr. Rosalie] had thought of consecrating herself to God. None of the joys of the world attracted her. She wanted no part of its celebrations or glitter. At the same time, she felt drawn by its groans and misery. -Armand de Melun

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie - St. John’s University students have been invited and challenged to enter into the experience of Blessed Rosalie Rendu and Frederic Ozanam in the Freshman Rendu Plunge August 21-25 2015. Almost 200 years ago a fellow student at the...

Vincent, Rosalie and the Pope – Getting to know Jesus

In a Mass in Casa Santa Marta the Pope said that to know Jesus, you have to get involved with Him. "Read what the Church tells you about Him, talk to Him in prayer and walk the street with him. Thus, will you know who this man is.’ " Blessed Rosalie Rendu, DC said she...

“Reading” an Ozanam icon – Sr. Kieran Kneaves

Sr. Kieran Kneaves, DC, “reads” an icon of Frederic Ozanam in his academic robes making a home visit.

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