
Superior General’s closing homily at Miraculous Medal meeting

Superior Genera’s homily at the closing Mass of the General Assembly Association of the Miraculous Medal on Sunday, November 9, 2014

Father Patrick Griffin CM tells his story

Fr. Patrick Griffin, CM, former Director with the Daughters of Charity shares his vocation journey and his various ministries.

Vocation stories of 2 Superiors General

The week of November 2-8 is Vocation Awareness Week in the USA. We are privileged to be able to celebrate this week with video interviews of two former Superiors General, Gregory Gay and Robert Maloney sharing their vocation stories.

What is Vincentian Spirituality

Pat Collins C.M gives his answer on his website (Scroll down to third article) "The word spirituality is notoriously difficult to define. Bernard McGinn, probably the leading writer on mysticism in English, says that without making an exhaustive search he turned up 35...