
Four Methods of Prayer for Vincentians

Slide presentation based on the article “Mental Prayer: Yesterday and Today – Some Reflections on the Vincentian Tradition” by Father Robert P. Maloney, C.M.

A Vincentian Minute: Habits 03

Fr. Rooney’s summer series on Vincentian “habits” of spirituality talks about the habit of reflection.

A Vincentian Minute: Habits 02

Fr. Rooney’s summer series on Vincentian “habits” of spirituality talks about the habit of praying the #Rosary.

A Vincentian Minute: Habits 01

Fr. Rooney’s summer series on Vincentian “habits” of spirituality talks about the habit of #prayer.

Go Out To All The World

Just as the members of the early Church were called to bring 'The Way' to all peoples of the day, so are we called to bring Christ into our world today.  This  pre-Pentecost theme will be the last submission of the series of reflections on The Gospel Of Joy that ran...

No To An Economy Of Exclusion

No To An Economy Of Exclusion

 No To An Economy Of Exclusion - A visual meditation on Pope Francis and Joy of the Gospel. As we stand in the middle of the Easter season between Palm Sunday and Pentecost, are we allowing ourselves to be changed by the miraculous events of the risen Jesus?  Are not...

Infinite sadness, infinite love

Infinite sadness, infinite love

Pope Frances states that: "A true missionary, who never ceases to be a disciple, knows that Jesus walks with him, speaks to him, breathes with him, works with him." In this post-resurrection period, can we, like the disciples of Emmaus have our infinite sadness cured...

Holding On To Joy Amidst Criticism

Holding On To Joy Amidst Criticism

Holding On To Joy Amidst Criticism - Sr. Ellen LaCapria, DC continues her weekly visual prayer reflection. As we enter this holy time of eucharistic revelation, crucifixion and the joy of resurrection our heads are rightly spinning. In the span of three days we are...

With blood on our hands?

With blood on our hands?

The somber realization that the crucifixion of innocent humans happens on a daily basis is sobering.  We are approaching a week that encompasses our salvation history, including the hope of the eucharistic banquet, the healing of the crucifixion (by his wounds we are...

“Are you listening?”

“Are you listening?”

As part of her ongoing series devoted to visual prayer digital artist Sr. Ellen LaCapria, D.C. offers another visual aid to enter into contemplation about the art of listening. This image arose from her reflection on Pope Francis’ Gospel of Joy and is the third...

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