Pope Francis

‘Walk with Francis’ Pledge – more than “ice buckets”

Catholics in Washington, D.C. are hoping a new charity pledge will go viral like last year’s “Ice Bucket Challenge,” but there’s a new twist – this pledge is for Pope Francis. (Matt Hadro of (CNA/EWTN News). “The 'Walk with Francis' Pledge offers people the...

Vincent, Rosalie and the Pope – Getting to know Jesus

In a Mass in Casa Santa Marta the Pope said that to know Jesus, you have to get involved with Him. "Read what the Church tells you about Him, talk to Him in prayer and walk the street with him. Thus, will you know who this man is.’ " Blessed Rosalie Rendu, DC said she...

Pope Francis: Are you sure he’s not Vincentian?

Among the many homilies and interventions of Pope Francis during his visit to Latin America, there are some that raise the question, "Is he a Vincentian?" He certainly expounds upon themes that any member of the Vincetian Family would find familiar. In a presentation...

SVDP leaders speak to Pope – What would you say?

Dave Barringer CEO of the SVDP in the United States writes July 2, 2015 of his 20 sec0nds with the Pope... If you had just 20 seconds to spend with Pope Francis, what would you say? We all have our daydreams of what we might tell the Pope, the president or another...

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