
Prince of Peace

Celebrating Christmas is welcoming the Prince of Peace in our midst.

Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities (Sept. 9)

"A violent clash of opulence and poverty is shaking the ground under our feet. Our duty as Christians is to throw ourselves between  these two camps in order to accomplish by love what justice alone cannot do."- Bl. Frédéric Ozanam Living in a time of crisis and...

Lent 2015: Walking the Way of Reconciliation, Peace, and Humility

My theme for this Lenten reflection centers on reconciliation, peace, and humility, which I chose after insights I gained in pastoral visits I made to apostolates of the Daughters of Charity in South Korea, Nagasaki, Japan, and Mauritania and Tunisia, Africa.

Using mobile phones to promote peace!

Using mobile phones to promote peace!

D-Day – Perspectives from the Vincentian Tradition

D-Day plus 70!

On this anniversary of D- Day... What have we learned? What can we do? It was supposed to be “The War to end all wars” (Woodrow Wilson), John XXIII wrote and Encyclical ""Peace on Earth". "War, Never again war” (Paul VI), John Paul II wrote over 20 messages during his...

Pope to Israeli reporter “How Can I Help?”

Pope to Israeli reporter “How Can I Help?”

America Magazine reports ....On 13 June 2013,  Pope Francis granted an interview to Israel’s Channel 2 TV at Santa Marta, the Vatican guesthouse where he lives. That interview made history; it was the first time that a TV crew entered Santa Marta to interview the...

Charity Federation at the UN

From the NGO News of the Sisters of Charity Federation.... "The Commission on the Status of Women meeting took place in March, with Rosita and Jyoti, our interns from Nepal and India respectively, attending more than 30 side events. After the meeting, they left to...