
St. Catherine Labouré, Lent, and Prayer

Lent is a good time to get back into the habit of setting time aside for prayer, finding a quiet place, rejecting all the things that distract us, and asking for God’s direction in our lives.

St. Louise trifold pamphlet

Wife, Mother, Widow, Foundress, Saint. Certainly not an ordinary resume!

What is the Vincentian Path? (Trifold pamphlet)

What is the Vincentian Path? This is the question addressed in yet another in the series of downloadable trifold pamphlets from Jim Osendorf, CM The Vincentian Path (pdf) Some excerpts... St. Vincent realized, just like Mother Theresa, when she worked in southern...

The 5 Virtues of a Vincentian Missionary – pamphlet

The 5 Virtues of a Vincentian Missionary - trifold pamphlet Drawing on the virtues of Jesus Christ, St. Vincent de Paul taught his missionaries to observe five virtues that would help them in their work, namely: Simplicity, Humility, Meekness, Mortification, and Zeal...