
Recollections of Sister of Charity who was at Selma

Recollections of Sister of Charity who was at Selma

+Shalini D’Souza, SCN, 76, former President of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (SCN)

Shalini D’Souza, SCN, 76, a former Provincial and President of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (SCN), died November 6, 2014, India. She was the first Indian to head a US-based international religious congregation for women.

Why would a woman want to enter religious life today?

Vocation Director Nancy Gerth, SCN, recently set out to answer a question she is often asked. Why would a woman want to enter religious life today?

Transformative Aging – Thanksgiving and Elder’s Creed

Some have written about process called From Ageing to Sage-ing.”. Twenty four Sisters of Charity Nazareth above 65 years of age spent five days in prayer, reflection and retreat in Mokama, India from October 22 – 27