One of Fr. Thomas McKenna's previous articles on .famvin titled, “Memories of Mercy,” narrates a beautiful story from...
“Pay It Forward” Divine Mercy Sunday
by John Freund, CM | April 20, 2020 | Formation, Reflections | 0 Comments
“Be merciful, as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36). Sounds a lot like “Pay it forward.”
Five Things Vincent Thought About Mercy
by John Freund, CM | July 22, 2017 | Formation, Reflections | 0 Comments
A Vincentian View: Remembering
by Pat Griffin, CM | November 16, 2016 | Formation, Reflections | 0 Comments
A Vincentian View: Beginning with Mercy
by Pat Griffin, CM | November 2, 2016 | Formation, Reflections | 0 Comments
St. Vincent on How to Conclude Well the Jubilee Year
by Fr. Binoy Puthusery, C.M. | Oct 23, 2016 | Formation, Reflections
On October 15, 1641, St. Vincent gave a conference to the sisters on the significance of jubilee year and the means of...
God Who is Rich in Mercy
by Fr. Binoy Puthusery, C.M. | Oct 9, 2016 | Formation, Reflections
The second encyclical of Pope John Paul II was Dives in Misericordia (The Mercy of God, November 30, 1980). In this...
Facing Mercy
by Michael Whalen, CM | Feb 14, 2016 | Formation, Reflections
Facing Mercy: In the Reign of God’s Mercy There Are No Anonymous Faces in Crowds Writers often acknowledge the importance of opening words and lines. Images grab; words beckon; tones compel; and even official church documents capitalize on this dynamic. Church...
Fridays of Mercy
by John Freund, CM | Jan 21, 2016 | News, Pope
The Pope begins his "Fridays of mercy" - Vincent told us to love God with the sweat of our brows and the strength of our arms. St. Francis believed that we should preach always and even use words if we must. Pope Francis certainly continues his preaching by example...
Vincentian Convictions and Gestures with regard to Mercy
by John Freund, CM | Dec 19, 2015 | Congregation of the Mission, Formation, Reflections
Vincentian Convictions and Gestures with regard to Mercy By: Father José Antonio González P. CM Pope Francis, with the publication of the Bull, Misericordiae Vultus, has called us to live the Jubilee of Mercy. The Pope tells us that the jubilee is a special...
Year of Mercy – special concern of Vincentians
by John Freund, CM | Dec 9, 2015 | Formation, Reflections, Spirituality and Spiritual Practice
Year of Mercy: Presentation and Video for Vincentians This year the Church focuses on mercy, forgiveness, and healing in a special way. We, Vincentians, can and must be witnesses of mercy. In this special presentation, also available as a YouTube video, we reflect on...
by Ross Reyes Dizon | Oct 27, 2015 | Formation, Reflections
All Saints, November 1, 2015 – Rev 7, 2-4. 9-14; 1 Jn 3, 1-3; Mt 5, 1-12a We shall be like him (1 Jn 3, 2) Jesus, righteous and merciful, is the image of the most holy God. Those who see him and become like him see God and become saints. Jesus goes about doing good...
Fr. Tom McKenna reflects on memories of mercy
by John Freund, CM | Sep 30, 2015 | Formation, Reflections
Fr. Tom McKenna, CM offers his reflection on memories of mercy Every time we enter into the Eucharist, we begin with the prayer, “Lord have mercy.” It could seem on first bounce that its main point is to bring to mind something wrong we’ve done, some sinfulness that...
Look with love… move with mercy
by John Freund, CM | Sep 29, 2015 | Formation
St. John's University chose “Look with love… move with mercy” as the theme for it 2015 celebration of Founder's Week. Fr. John Maher, C.M. shares this presentation which challenges us to “Look with love… move with mercy” as did St. Vincent. He walks us through where...
Why a Jubilee Year of Mercy? Pope Francis answers
by John Freund, CM | Apr 12, 2015 | News
“Simply because the Church, in this time of great historical change, is called to offer more evident signs of God’s presence and closeness.”
Holy Year “back to basics” – Mercy
by John Freund, CM | Apr 11, 2015 | News
Holy Year call “back to basics”