
“Pay It Forward” Divine Mercy Sunday

“Be merciful, as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36). Sounds a lot like “Pay it forward.”

Five Things Vincent Thought About Mercy

Paulino Sáez López, CM reflects on "The Value of Mercy according to Vincent de Paul.” Here are five points that struck me from his well-documented article. He writes from the perspective that in the time of Vincent "the words mercy, compassion, and charity have much...

A Vincentian View: Remembering

A Vincentian View: “Remembering” “God gave us memories so that we could have roses in December.” (J. M. Barrie) That line still sticks in my mind from high school because it flows out of my sentimental heart.  It reminds me of the importance of memories and their...

A Vincentian View: Beginning with Mercy

A Vincentian View: “Beginning with Mercy” As it has for many of you, this “Year of Mercy” has provided many blessings in my life.  The privilege of preaching and presenting on mercy has enabled and demanded that I spend some time reflecting on what this virtue means...
Facing Mercy

Facing Mercy

Facing Mercy: In the Reign of God’s Mercy There Are No Anonymous Faces in Crowds Writers often acknowledge the importance of opening words and lines.  Images grab; words beckon; tones compel; and even official church documents capitalize on this dynamic.  Church...

Fridays of Mercy

Fridays of Mercy

The Pope begins his "Fridays of mercy"   - Vincent told us to love God with the sweat of our brows and the strength of our arms. St. Francis believed that we should preach always and even use words if we must. Pope Francis certainly continues his preaching by example...


All Saints, November 1, 2015 – Rev 7, 2-4. 9-14; 1 Jn 3, 1-3; Mt 5, 1-12a We shall be like him (1 Jn 3, 2) Jesus, righteous and merciful, is the image of the most holy God. Those who see him and become like him see God and become saints. Jesus goes about doing good...

Look with love… move with mercy

Look with love… move with mercy

St. John's University chose “Look with love… move with mercy” as the theme for it 2015 celebration of Founder's Week. Fr. John Maher, C.M. shares this presentation which challenges us to “Look with love… move with mercy” as did St. Vincent. He walks us through where...