
A Faith Dynamic (Matthew 18:19-20)

“Listen and Respond.” If there ever were a pair of words to stir up action, these are the ones.

A Very Personal Question (Matthew 16:13-20)

To get at a pivotal question in Matthew’s 23rd chapter, consider the distinction between two types of answers, one standard and the other personal.

Prayer Visuals (I Kings: 19; Matthew: 14)

The Scriptures are filled with striking visuals for our lives of faith, and in particular for our lives of prayer. One is in chapter 19 of the Book of Kings, up on the mountain with the Prophet Elijah who is fleeing from the threats of Jezebel and her husband King...

From Deep Within (Romans 8:26-7)

There’s a way of looking at our religion as a series of truths to be acknowledged and then followed out.

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