
Hearing The Voice (John 10:1-10)

Years ago, walking along a crowded beach, I came upon a group of people gathered around a crying, screaming child.

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

“They recounted how…he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”

Brimming Over (Lk 15: 1-32; 2 Corinthians 5:17-25)

In Luke’s 15th chapter, Jesus relates his perhaps most famous parable, aiming to open another window onto the Kingdom of God, especially its meaning for the present.

“Something More” (Exodus 3:1-15)

Through the ages, the episode of Moses and the burning bush has figured into the religious experience of many.

Landing and Soaking In

The Kingdom Interpretation

The Kingdom Interpretation (Mk 12:44-48) To profess myself a Christian is to profess a desire – and that desire is to follow behind the Lord, Jesus Christ. Perhaps “follow behind” doesn’t quite get to the heart of it. It’s more accurately a “stepping into his...

Landing and Soaking In


Testifying (Luke 9:1-2) Reading Luke’s account of the disciples being sent out, I put myself in the shoes of one of those 70 individuals directed to go forth and proclaim the Good News that in Jesus, God’s forgiving compassion is drawing near. How would I feel...

Landing and Soaking In

On Listening

“On Listening” (Luke 11: 16, 29-31) One of the most gratifying compliments is to hear that you listen well. It conveys another’s feeling that something of his or her inner self has gotten through, that not just the words but the deeper resonances of those words have...

Landing and Soaking In

The Ministry of Encouragement

The Ministry of Encouragement (Hebrews 12:1) There’s a wonderfully comforting image in the Letter to the Hebrews which has special application to us in Vincent’s Family. The author sets out to build up his struggling fellow believers and does this through a...