Laudato Si

Laudato Si’ Week and the Vincentian Family

International Catholic eco-groups like the Global Catholic Climate Movement want you to know about “Laudato Si’ Week,” June 12th through the 19th, and they want us all to take part. The goal is to keep the spotlight on the Holy Father’s eco-encyclical, and to continue...

175 nations sign International climate change agreement

Sr. Teresa Kotturan, (second from right) U.N. representative of the Sisters of Charity Federation attended the Paris climate change meetings, held Nov. 30 to Dec. 12. It is with great joy that what she witnessed will now be signed in a ceremony at the United Nations....

A Vincentian Response to Laudato Si’

DePaul University's Newsline Publication offered the following video: Care for our Common Home - A Vincentian Response to Laudato Si'.   Insights from the video are highlighted below:'s really important...

Vincentian Leader – Laudato Si – Blueprint for the 21st Century Vincentian

Vincentians in Partnership the Vincentian Family in Great Britain hosted three sessions by Vincentian Leader, Sr. Caroljean Willie, Sister of Charity of Cincinnati. These presented an important opportunity to hear about and discuss Pope Francis' Encyclical 'Laudato...

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