
Share Your Saint? Saints and Scholars in Vincentian Europe

Which saint matters to you and why?

A Voice From Ireland, UK & Europe: God Has No Country!

I keep this mantra ‘God has no country’ close to mind when I question international decisions on border blunders and migration.

A New Voice From Ireland, United Kingdom & Europe: YOU are 1 in 4 million!

As 1 of 4 million members of the Vincentian Family, Dee Mansi, a new contributor on what’s going on in Ireland, UK and Europe reflects on BREXIT.

Vincentian Family National Council: Ireland

Dublin, Ireland, was chosen by Pope Francis to host the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) from August 21-26, 2018, guided by the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World.” In choosing The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World, as the theme for the ninth...

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