
A Reflection: Living with My Eyes Open #IamVincent

As I sat down to write this reflection, I got out everything I thought I would need for such a task: my old CVV journal, my trusty Little Book of St. Vincent DePaul, and a now decaying shoe box filled with prayers, quotes, stories, and notes I had saved through the...

Telling the Tale of our Charism #famvin400 #IamVincent

To celebrate well, we must fully tell the tale of our charism. We must recount the story. ‘Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken through us also?’ And the Lord heard it and said to Moses, Aaron and Miriam ‘Come out, you three, to the tent of...

Ozanam: Promoting faith and justice on campus @SJUMission

When we speak of the greatest movers and changers the world has ever known, many individuals flood the mind. They come from all different nations and disciplines, but more often than not, they reach their pinnacle in the later years of life. Frédéric Ozanam is special...

Why We Need to Evaluate #IamVincent

To say #IamVincent means we recognize the need to evaluate to improve our evangelization, service and formation of leaders. Vincent knew that we must always seek God's will, and evaluate: do we stay or do we go? Let’s give ourselves to God, Messieurs, to go throughout...

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