
Mini-Retreat: Renewal in the Vincentian Spirit with Frédéric Ozanam

Two themes -- continuity and renewal -- emerge from a study of the lives of St. Vincent de Paul and Frederic Ozanam, says Jaime Corera, C.M.. The Second: RENEWAL. Frederic Ozanam was extremely sensitive to the idea of social change. Not only was he sensitive to this...

Mini-Retreat: Continuity in the Vincentian Spirit with Frédéric Ozanam

Two themes -- continuity and renewal -- emerge from a study of the lives of St. Vincent de Paul and Frederic Ozanam, says Jaime Corera, C.M. First: CONTINUITY. The thinking and writings of Frederic point out a more profound continuity, a continuity that goes to the...

#famvin400 Breaking the Code of Silence

Reconciliation in the Anniversary Year When people are hurt, they shut down, they have entered another kind of deep poverty. They pray, and sometimes there's no answer. People adopt a Code of Silence because they are afraid. Vincentians are called to serve body and...

Recommit to Non-Violence #IamVincent

Violence is sometimes the fruit, sometimes the cause of poverty. Non-violence has deep Christian roots. To say #IamVincent means to commit to a stance that rejects violence, so the poor will not suffer. As Christians committed to a more just and peaceful world we are...

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