Hay Project (Vincent on Leadership)

Combining Pragmatism with Idealism

In this video posted by the Hay Leadership Project Depaul University, Susanne Dumbleton, Ph.D. offers some ways of teaching/learning that could be helpful to the various branches of the Family who wish to attract and work with younger Vincentians.

Vincentian leaders empower others

Vincent was adept at helping his followers realize their potential. He empowered them by sharing his knowledge and resources, inspiring them through mission, and giving them opportunities to lead organizations he helped to create.

Values-Centered Leadership Certificate

DePaul University is offering 10-week online certificate programs in leadership development, sponsored by Vincent on Leadership: The Hay Project. "The values and practices of Vincent de Paul ground our approach to leadership development.  We know you will be as amazed...

Vincentians of Wherever: Leaders

One of my Vincentian friends sent me a link to an organizational development slideshare presentation about leaders and leadership that reminded me of work being done by Vincentians at DePaul University as part of Vincent on Leadership: the Hay Project. (You can view...
Vincentian leaders empower – Do you?

Vincentian leaders empower – Do you?

Vincent energized and empowered others to support his vision for organized charity to the poor. The real strength of a leader is the ability to elicit the strength of a group. This is the acid test of servant leadership. Therein lies a question for us.

New online  “Vincentian  Leadership Program”  launched in Australia

New online “Vincentian Leadership Program” launched in Australia

The program launched on Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 is significant for several reasons. First, the offering of a leadership program within the Vincentian tradition and in partnership with a member of the Vincentian family based on the other side of the world, and secondly, the program was being launched in the year that the Society is marking 160 years of leadership and service in Australia.