Global Sisters Report

Immigration reform: Personal Perspectives Part 2

The following is the second of a two-post series on personal perspectives on Immigration Reform (to read Part 1, click here).  We begin with a video in which Sr. Mary McCauley (an advocate for comprehensive immigration reform) talks about the Postville immigration...

Immigration Reform: Personal Perspectives – Part 1

Immigration reform in the United States is the topic of many conversations, especially so with the upcoming presidential elections this fall. Two articles recently published by the Global Sisters Report touch on this topic, one, an interview with Sr. Mary McCauley who...

Inter-Mission: Springtime of body and soul

In her latest reflection for the NCR series Global Sisters Report "Inter-Mission: Springtime of body and soul" Janet Gildea SC connects the dots between her remission from cancer and the parable of the power of the Pope's visit to heal the suffering and violence...

Take courage

In Take courage Sr. Janet Gildea, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, shares her ongoing journey through chemotherapy. I received my fifth chemo yesterday, sleeping through most of the six hour infusion while listening to “All Things Bright and Beautiful” as...
Sharing the ‘yeses’ of religious life

Sharing the ‘yeses’ of religious life

During this National Vocation Awareness Week, I’d have to say that I grew up rather “vocationally unaware,” as, unfortunately, do many Catholics. Although my practicing Catholic parents lovingly brought me up in the faith, and although I attended 16 years of Catholic school, I didn’t deem religious life a viable option until my 20s. Sure, we covered the “Vocations” unit in various religion classes, but there were few experiences that encouraged me to consider that my vocation really could be something besides marriage.