John Freund

August 6 – Transfiguration… or… Disfiguration?

Transfiguration – Disfiguration. We have a choice. Which light will we walk in?

Is the Our Father a Radical Prayer?

Jesus was a radical who was fully committed to doing God’s will. He showed us how radical he was when laid down his life for us. As he hung on the cross he said “Father, forgive them. They know not what they are doing.” Certainly the words of a radical!

Sisters Challenging Me To Think More!

No matter what era or even whether we went to a Catholic school, I suspect the teachers we remember most favorably were the ones who taught us to think.

The Mutating Vincentian Virus

COVID 19  Is both similar to and very different from the Vincentian Virus. St. Vincent was “patient zero”. We also know the power of the Vincentian Virus and how St. Vincent spread this powerful virus.

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