
Doing theology in a garbage dump

Daniel Franklin E. Pilario, C.M. writes”…on weekends, I help my Vincentian confreres in their parish in Payatas, the biggest garbage dump in Manila. … I was invited there to help in giving pastoral care – celebrate Masses or bless the dead, give seminars, meet people. Later, I began to realize that it was not mainly I who was helping. It was in fact they who were helping me make sense of my theology. But that is going ahead of the story.”

Mission Sunday – Evangelization – Vincentian Year

Mission Sunday – Evangelization – Vincentians How fitting these three topics come together today. Mission Sunday 2014 is celebrated on the day that Paul VI was beatified at the closing Mass of the World Synod on the Family and Vincentians have just begun a year dedicated to New Evangelization.

“What is your Church doing now?” Frederic Ozanam’s response

“What is your Church doing now for those who are poor?” Frederic Ozanam and the Society of St. Vincent dePaul has been answering that question for almost 200 years.

Pray the rosary with Vincentian Superior General

Father G Gregory Gay, C.M. encourages you to pray Rosary with him in English. The video contains introduction prayer and one of five decades. October 8 is his birthday.

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