Evangelii Gaudium

Infinite sadness, infinite love

Pope Frances states that: "A true missionary, who never ceases to be a disciple, knows that Jesus walks with him, speaks to him, breathes with him, works with him." In this post-resurrection period, can we, like the disciples of Emmaus have our infinite sadness cured...

Poor and Poverty in Evangelii Gaudium

A view of Pope Francis’ Gospel of Joy from South America… The Poor and Poverty in Evangelii Gaudium by Víctor Codina, SJ. The thought provoking article covers 10 points.

Joy Ever New – Joy Ever Shared

A Joy Ever New - A Joy Which Is Shared. Sr. Ellen LaCapria, DC continues her weekly visual prayer reflection.As we continue to bask in the glow of the Easter Resurrection our response to the risen Christ is a resounding Alleluia! Pope Frances shares that he never...

With blood on our hands?

The somber realization that the crucifixion of innocent humans happens on a daily basis is sobering.  We are approaching a week that encompasses our salvation history, including the hope of the eucharistic banquet, the healing of the crucifixion (by his wounds we are...

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