
Eucharistic underpinnings of Systemic Change

Our ability to go and do likewise in imitation of Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet is the “criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebrations is judged.”

The Eucharist in Vincentian Tradition

“The Eucharist in the Vincentian Tradition – Love is Creative unto Infinity”

Eucharist commits us to the poor

THE EUCHARIST COMMITS US TO THE POOR – This is the title of article 1397 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The text is a quote from St. John Chrysostom,
archbishop of Constantinople, a Church Father from the fourth century.

Corpus Christi – Reflections in a Vincentian Context

Do you wish to honor Christ’s body? Then do not look down upon him when you notice him naked among the poor

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