
The Pope’s “take-aways” in his 61 one-line tweets

The Pope’s “take-aways” in his 61 one-line tweets. No matter where one stands the Pope’s encyclical “Laudato Si” generated lots of attention even before its release.

Praise Be || Laudato Si

The long awaited papal encyclical on the interaction of humans and their environment was released today. It's prompting reflection and commentary everywhere. "This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and...

2 good 2 Toss – Vincentian recycling effort

“2 Good 2 Toss” An idea that could be adapted by other Vincentian Family institutions.

Insights into role of religious NGOs at the UN

Sr. Michele Morek provides insights into role of religious NGOs at the UN for understanding the importance of our witness at the UN. Many will be surprised at how well represented the Vincentian Family is at the UN

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