
The Synod as an Emmaus Journey!

My hope is that all the participants of the Youth Synod will experience their own version of the Emmaus journey – looking at things they thought they knew… but seeing them in a new light. Now that would be the beginning of a profound systemic change!

The Emmaus Imagination Fr. Tom McKenna

The Emmaus Imagination – A restructured imagination

Emmaus and the art of accompaniment

Emmaus and the art of accompaniment addresses the question "what does it mean to mentor youth" and the opening talk of the first International Meeting of Advisors to the Vincentian Marian Youth (Paris, July 2014) focused on "The Art of Accompaniment" as portrayed in a...

Do we recognize…

Opening reflection from the latest newsletter of the Vincentian Marian Youth Bulletin April 2014 ENG PDF... The Disciples were travelling to Emmaus, a village near Jerusalem. They were travelling together and were talking about the events that had occurred in...

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