DePaul University

From DePaul University: The Power of History to Build a Better Future

DePaul’s library is home to special collections and archives that give direct accounts of those advocating for change in our world.

Virtual Service Immersion Reflection #IamVincent

This December, I had the pleasure of going on the first round of virtual service immersions. For four days I zoomed into St. Louis, Missouri to learn about anti-racism through the Vincentian charism.

Vincentian Family Contributions to a Sustainable World

Recap of the October virtual conference on “Leading with Values: Vincentian Contributions to a Sustainable World.”

Vincent’s Values: A Spiritual Perspective (Video)

St. Vincent de Paul’s ministry emerged from a set of values deeply rooted in his Christocentric faith and the person of Jesus Christ, the Evangelizer of the Poor. From an essay by Rev. Edward Udovic, C.M., Ph.D.