Corpus Delgado

Coming Soon: An Online Formation Journey

A Formation Journey: A study of Vincentian Father Corpus Delgado's "The Contributions of the Vincentian Charism to the Mission of the Church." Keep an eye out for this image! Beginning this coming Saturday, October 8, .famvin presents a ten-part series for individual...

Tell me what you pray for – I will tell you who you are.

What did Louise pray for? Who do we pray for? What does this say about us?

Saturday Study Hall – Vincentians and Marian Spirituality

Several branches of the Vincentian Family trace their origin to the apparitions of the Virgin to Catherine Laboure: the Vincentian Marian Youth Association, the Miraculous Medal Association and other groups that have arisen from these branches. Frederic Ozanam...

Vincent and Louise on varieties of martyrdom

FamVin is happy to present this translation into English of an article on martyrdom  by  Corpus Juan Delgado, CM. It looks at the concept of martyrdom as it appears in the writings of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac.  The concept is examined from the...

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