coronavirus lessons

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #8: Focus on Important Things and Put Aside Those that are Merely Accessories

During this pandemic, we are learning not to lose sight of the risks and our absolute dependence on God, to make the most of each day that we live, and that we use these days to share more love with our family members as well as those outside our family circle … to dispense with which is not important.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #7: Another Look at the Coronavirus Pandemic

More than four months have passed since the first positive case of COVID-19 was reported here in Rwanda.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #6: Community prayer and celebrations during the time of confinement

I live in a community of the Congregation of the Mission composed of older priests: four of us are over 70, another 80.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #5: If One Should Die During a Pandemic, it is a Lonely Death!

Today, more than ever, we need people who, following the example of Sister Marguerite Naseau, the first Daughter of Charity, are willing to serve the poor and the sick with the boldness and courage of this simple, country woman.

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