Congregation of the Mission

Contribution of Bishop John Timon, C.M. to Early U.S. Church and Society

April 16 is the anniversary of the death of Bishop John Timon, C.M., the first provincial superior of the American province of the Congregation of the Mission and one of the giants of the early U.S. Catholic Church. He  established and/or encouraged many charitable...

Ready and Able: A Vincentian Story

This documentary follows two newly ordained Vincentian Catholic priests during their first year of ministry.

Lent: Preparing to Celebrate Easter

In this Coffee Break, Fr. Bob Gielow, CM, talks about some reasons to “celebrate”, and offers some practical suggestions for Lent.

January 25th, a Pivotal Date for the Vincentian Family and the Congregation of the Mission

On January 25th, the feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, we celebrate the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission.

New Congregation of the Mission Province in Vietnam

New Congregation of the Mission Province in Vietnam

Members of the Congregation of Mission in Vietnam will have a happy reunion at the end of this lunar year. Vincentians will have a very special Tet holiday (lunar year festival), a memorable spring. This Vice-Province in Vietnam will become a new Province. Rev. Tomaž...