Formation: collaboration

Serve: South Sudan

Prior to its independence in July 2011 from the old Sudan, South Sudan has known nothing but war and conflict. The devastation that engulfed this part of Africa for more than 20 years included destroyed infrastructure, the highest rate of illiteracy in the world,...

Connect and Learn: Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish

Historically, the Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish began their life with the Sisters of Charity of Halifax and can trace their roots in the same traditions. The Sisters of St. Martha were formally established as a religious congregation in 1900 after a providential...

Connect and Learn: Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Faith

Founded 1867 at Glasnevin in Dublin, Ireland, by Reverend John Gowan, C.M., (1817-1897), and Margaret Aylward (1810-1889), educated in Paris, who first established (1851) the Ladies of Charity in Ireland to deal with poverty from the potato famine. A primary focus was...

Connect and Learn: Sisters of Charity Federation (N.A.)

The Federation of the Sisters of Charity of North America is comprised of 12 women religious congregations, representing more than 4,000 members, who recognize their particular character and spirit in the charism of the tradition of Charity founded by St. Vincent de...
VFCAP Photo Album on Facebook

VFCAP Photo Album on Facebook

As you can see from the VFCAP photo album this day focused on Vincentian Virtues. Fr. Dan Borlick led the session on the connection between Vincent de Paul and virtues and  focused on issues such as What is Vincentian Simplicity , etc Where have you seen lack of these...

Formation Friday – Silos? or Gardens?

Formation Friday – Silos? or Gardens?

Formation silos and re-inventing the wheel Just about every branch of the Vincentian Family seeks material helpful in forming its constituents. We often talk about collaboration in formation. But do we share our resources with others outside our silo? Previous...