CEO Sleepout

CEO sleepout: ‘Show me another initiative that has raised R25m’ It’s a cold Thursday night on June 18 2015. We are out on Gwen Street, in Sandton, Johannesburg, where more than 20 chief executives have left their cushy beds and warm homes for a cause - the 702 CEO sleepout. The 702 Sun...

1,243 CEOs sleepout, raise almost $6,000,000

1,243 CEOs sleepout, raise almost $6,000,000. These are the impressive stats from the annual SVDP CEO Sleepout in Australia! And the final count is not in. The city of Adelaide had to postpone their event. It could be well over 6 million! On the 18th June 1300 CEOs...

Vinnies keep moving the goal posts!

Even after 10 years the Vinnies keep moving the goal posts! Normally people don’t like that. But in this case it is a good thing. Each year they raise more money with the help of CEOs who volunteer to sleep out int he cold of an Australian winter.

CEOs + Cardboard mats = 5.4 million dollars

About 1000 Australian CEOs slept out on cardboard mats raised $5.4 million for homeless men and women that do it tough every night.