Pope Benedict XVI

Francis: God is Love

Photo By Christoph Wagener - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26614990 Pope Francis addressed the participants of a conference to mark the 10th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical ‘Deus Caritas Est.’ The...

Torture is a moral issue – US Bishops Study Guide

In these challenging times, is it still possible—even in the face of serious threats—for a people and a nation to defend and conduct themselves in ways that consistently demonstrate respect for human dignity, and that put the Gospel into practice?

Vincentian Bishop on the “Francis Effect”

Bishop O’Connell noted the important influence of the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio in both the Church and the world at large during a speech entitled “The Francis Effect.”

Verbal difference between Francis and Benedict

According to the Huffington Post...Data journalist Chris Walker conducted a word frequency analysis on the first hundred speeches of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict to get a visual representation of their priorities. Francis clearly emphasized poverty and poor far...
Vincentian Magi – then and now?

Vincentian Magi – then and now?

Have you thought about what gifts we as a Vincentian Family and individual followers  Vincent and Louise bring to the "stables" today? As I read a post "Third Millennium Wisemen" focused on the gifts of our last three Popes that was the question I found myself asking....