
Australia mourns passing of Vincentian leader Tony Thornton

Tony Thornton, former National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia, died suddenly on Saturday 11 July 2015. After the words of Bl. Frederick, ‘Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveller who has been attacked. It is the...

Nine day novena to St. Vincent

Nine days of quotes from, and prayers to, Saint Vincent de Paul, courtesy of the Daughters of Charity of Australia. Choose either the full desktop version or the mobile-friendly version of this presentation. Editor's note: Some may remember that St. Vincent's feast...

A Daughter of Charity reflects on simplicity

SIMPLICITY AND LIFE’S JOURNEY Essay on_Simplicity by Sister Thérèse Haywood DC, Province of Australia Simplicity comes from the Latin roots sine (without) and caries (decay), or sine and cero (to smear or coat).  Therefore we gain the understanding of simplicity as...

1,243 CEOs sleepout, raise almost $6,000,000

1,243 CEOs sleepout, raise almost $6,000,000. These are the impressive stats from the annual SVDP CEO Sleepout in Australia! And the final count is not in. The city of Adelaide had to postpone their event. It could be well over 6 million! On the 18th June 1300 CEOs...

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