Ascension (of Jesus)

The “Before” and the “After” of the Ascension

The question “why are you looking at the sky?” is addressed to us today. Today, we are those dazed apostles looking up rather than within and around ourselves.

Finding Jesus’ Footprints Today

We live in a post-Ascension world where Jesus no longer walks among us. Or does he? If we are the Body of Christ then our footprints are his footprints.

Ascension-Pentecost: Good-byes As Blessings – T. McKenna

Ascension and Pentecost give us many lessons. One of them is to teach us that there are farewells that can turn to blessings, types of good-byes we can give that keep on giving.

With clasping roots running deep into the ground, a tree grows strong and tall

The Ascension of the Lord (B), May 17, 2015 – Acts 1, 1-11; Eph 1, 17-23 or 4, 1-13; Mk 16, 15-20 The surpassing greatness of his power for us (Eph 1, 19) The Son of God goes up to heaven. He brings humanity with him, for whose salvation he came down from heaven....

Grace in defeat, generosity in victory

The Ascension of the Lord (A), June 1, 2014 – Acts 1, 1-11; Eph 1, 17-23; Mt 28, 16-20 The riches of glory in his inheritance (Eph 1, 18) Jesus has lived doing good. Now that his hour is at hand, he makes it clear that his reason for passing from this world to the...