Akamasoa 2019

Foyer Tanjamoha: a House for Persons With Disabilities in Madagascar

We present the extraordinary work of Father Émeric Aymot d’Inville who is responsible for the work of Foyer Tanjomoha, a Home for Life, especially for the disabled.

Apostolic Journey of his Holiness Pope Francis to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius

Pope Francis is less than a month away from starting his trip to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius, in Africa.

Akamasoa (Madagascar): a Place for Learning How to Bring St. Vincent’s Words to Life

From May 1-7, 2018, Mark McGreevy and I, Anja Bohnsack, went to visit Madagascar to meet and learn from Fr. Pedro Opeka. Over the past three decades he has created Akamasoa-- a project aimed at supporting people living in slums by providing them with the tools,...

A Question That Built a City!

The question that built a city! “Do you love your children?” When he received an affirmative response, he said: “Let’s work together, give them a future.”

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