Acts of the Apostles

Identity Politics In the Early Church

We often read Acts 6 with a focus on the institution of the diaconate without realizing that the underlying problem was one of race, class, etc. Let’s read Acts 6 as a solution to the identity politics in the early church.

The Reality of the Church – Then… and Now

The church of almost 2000 years ago Many times we think of an idealized version of the early community as presented in the second chapter Acts 2:42 and repeated in the fourth chapter Acts 4:32 to highlight the importance for St. Luke. ... they devoted themselves to...

The Acts of the Apostles Are About Us – Today

We can read the Acts of the Apostles as interesting history detached from our lives. Or we can read them as stories about real people  – people like ourselves, people facing the same issues we do today.

Reacting to New Ways of Thinking

I don’t think I ever really appreciated how much of a radical change in thinking observant Jews were asked to make regarding their deeply held identity and beliefs. The Acts of the Apostles reveal the struggles to understand and accept a new way of thinking and living. It did not happen all at once.

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