Vincentian Lay Missionaries

Vincentian Lay Missionaries are looking for you!

This past weekend Lay Missionaries celebrated their annual retreat in Chicago. They had a great weekend and all the former missionaries were in their prayers! Here is a link to the new VLM application, due March 1st, 2018. Please forward it on to anyone you think may...

In the Footsteps of Saint Justin

Young men and women have been walking in the footsteps of Saint Justin de Jacobis, together with native Vincentian priests, brothers and Daughters of Charity in Ethiopia. They are the Vincentian Lay Missionaries of the United States and Ireland. In Bahir Dar, VLM work...

Rehabilitation with Love

“In this life, we cannot always do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” - Mother Theresa VLM’s moto is to “do one thing, do something.” Ethiopia has previously been stereotyped as a country that has had many problems. Although there may be some...

MISEVI: Mission in Service the Vincentian Way

MISEVI = MIsioneros SEglares VIcencianos. It means “Vincentian Lay Missionaries in Spanish. But in the USA, MISEVI is more than just the Vincentian Lay Missionaries-USA. It’s a host of young adult Vincentian Volunteers groups and experiences. So, MISEVI USA has...

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