Vincentian Family at the U.N.

A UN treaty to Protect the High Seas from Overexploitation

Oceans cover 70 percent of the earth’s surface and are an integral part of the earth’s ecosystem and vital for human survival and well-being, yet we do little to protect them.

Happy Easter from The Vincentian Family at the UN Headquarters in New York

Members of the Vincentian Family at the UN along with Catholics the world over are celebrating Easter, and preparing to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday.

UN’s Indigenous Forum Focusing On Traditional Knowledge

This week and next, indigenous peoples are gathered at the UN to discuss traditional knowledge during the 18th Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. 

How Will a Border Wall Effect Human Trafficking?

Former DHS agent Timothy Ballard wrote an opinion article saying that a border wall would help curtail the human trafficking of children across the border.

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