Vincentian Family

UN Secretary General Calls for Intensified Efforts to Implement Global Compact for Migration

The placement of International Migrants Day a week before Christmas is fitting.  There are many parallels between the Holy Family and families who are on the move today.

Vincentian Prayer Images: A Heritage of Reconciling

How did Vincent, Louise, and our respective founders embody reconciliation?

Interview with Fr. Mike Barth, General Custodian of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity

Our founder, Thomas Judge, called us to go to the “tangled portion of the vineyard” – to places where other do not want to go or where it is difficult to serve. 

The Cost of “Preferential Option for the Poor”

Forty years ago, four women gave their lives as part of their preferential option for the poor. Read their own words. It should take just about 40 seconds.