Vincentian Family

UN’s 54th CSOCD Centers on Strengthening Social Development

As it drew to a close Friday, the UN’s 54th Commission for Social Development (CSOCD) passed a resolution setting its theme for next year; one close to Vincentian hearts: “Strategies for the Eradication of Poverty to Achieve Sustainable Development for All.” The...

Resource links for Lenten Letter

Now available...the Lenten Letter to the Vincentian Family in eBook and other various formats. Click the image to download the version you wish to use: eBook PDF Scribd  

The Vincentian Family at the U.N.

The Vincentian Family at the U.N. is participating in the 54th Session of the Commission on Social Development, February 3 – 12, 2016. The 54th Session of the Commission on Social Development is the first major meeting that is taking place at the UN since the adoption...

Vincentian Leader – Laudato Si – Blueprint for the 21st Century Vincentian

Vincentians in Partnership the Vincentian Family in Great Britain hosted three sessions by Vincentian Leader, Sr. Caroljean Willie, Sister of Charity of Cincinnati. These presented an important opportunity to hear about and discuss Pope Francis' Encyclical 'Laudato...

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