Vincentian Family

Does Laudato Si matter to you?

Was Laudato Si a "blip" or a "game changer"? An important question, no doubt. But a more important question for us is, does Laudato Si matter to you...and the Vincentian Family? Someone recently said of the Church “We’re collectively the largest global humanitarian...

Vincentian Family at the U.N #WithRefugees

What is the Family doing in response to the widening crisis of refugees? Sr. Margaret O'Dwyer, DC, informs us that they are involved at the United nations with World Refugee Day June 20. Humanity is experiencing its worst refugee crisis since World War II. By...

Vincentian Family International and National Leaders Gathering: January 2016

The first biennial Gathering of the Vincentian Family International and National Leaders’ Gathering was held in January of this year. Eighty participants coming from 36 countries representing 22 branches of the Family greeted and met each other in the common language...

Korea:Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Together

Sr. Teresa Kotturan writes, "The 66th DPI/NGO Conference is the first in UN history to be held in Asia. This is organized in partnership with the NGO Community, the government of the Republic Korea and a national organizing committee." It is organized in the context...

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