Vincentian Family

Global Compact on Migrants

The New York Declaration of 2016 had given new hope to Migrants and Refugees all over the world with the assurance of a new Global Compact to address the issues and challenges they face. It expressed the political will and commitment of the world leaders to protect...

Christmas Greetings From The Vincentian Family At The UN

As I write this we are just a few days before Christmas and I think of Jesus and The Holy Family, and how that family has changed the world. In the Hebrew Scriptures, we are reminded of God's Promise that one day He would send a Savior to deliver His people from...

Evergreen Vincentian Resources at Christmas

There are plenty of fine spiritually nourishing Vincentian resources for Christmas making the rounds. The list keeps growing. Here are some places to start.

Children on the Move

Unforeseen circumstances uproot couple. They take shelter in a manger for lack of better accommodations.   The birth of their child instills hope and joy in many, but fear of a murderous leader causes them to escape to another country. When repatriated, the family is...

Vincentian Grandparents 2014

September 7 marks Grandparents Day in the US. Do Something grand for them. Some of us are blessed with grandparents who are still living. Others never knew their grandparents and perhaps not next to nothing about them.

Vincentians and systemic change

Vincentians and systemic change

The Definition and an explanation

“Systemic Change among those living in poverty aims beyond providing food, clothing, shelter and alleviating immediate needs. It enables people themselves to engage in the identification of the root causes of their poverty and to create strategies, including advocacy, to change those structures which keep them in poverty. Systemic Change requires transforming attitudes.”