Vincentian Family

“Your Pain is my Pain”

“Your pain is my Pain” - SVDP Religions and the URGENT Humanitarian and Environmental Action Once Vincent said in talking to the poor, “Your pain is my own pain.” The suffering of hundreds of millions of human beings today is extreme due to...

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Promotion of human rights was not a focus point for the representatives of the countries who gathered in 1945 in San Francisco to found the United Nations. But the horrors and brutality of the Second World War had convinced them of the need to include protection of...

Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Vincentian Family 2018

On Tuesday, January 16, the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Vincentian Family began. The meeting is taking place in Philadelphia (United States) at the headquarters of the Vincentian Family Office, located on the grounds of St. Vincent Seminary in...

400 years of the Vincentian Charism and the Rich Heritage of the Family

With almost 10,000 members in Eng­land and Wales, the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is a worldwide org­anization with more than 800,000 members in 151 countries. It is also part of the wider Vincentian Family of 225 lay and religious associations, all of which...

My humanity is bound up in yours

“My humanity is bound up in yours.” So writes Meghan Clark in an article that addresses the stark contrast between Catholicism and libertarianism and speaks to the underpinnings of so much of the Vincentian Family’s concern for those who are marginalized.