
The Blue Miraculous Medals of Utah

Gary Topping, Archivist, Diocese of Salt Lake City, writing in the Intermountain Catholic offers a fascinating history for the Blue Miraculous Medals of Utah.

Why Jesus took a young boy’s lunch

“Have you ever thought of why Jesus took the young boy’s lunch to feed the 5,000 men and more.”

God and Francis on the environment

Sometime FamVin contributor Susan Stabile offered this reflection on her blog under the title God, Francis and the environment.

Pope: When you see the poor, do you look the other way?

“Looking away is a polite and elegant way of saying, ‘you figure it out.’ This is not the way of Jesus. That is selfish.”

Spend an hour with successor to Frederic Ozanam?

Spend an hour with successor to Frederic Ozanam?

Would you spend an hour with the current successor to Frederic Ozanam? Michael Thio stands in a long line of Vincentians who have inspired and guided generations who accept the challenges that Frederic Ozanam and the first group of Vincentian volunteers confronted in their commitment to “do something” about the poverty, sickness and squalor found in the ghettos of Paris during the 1800s.

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