Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Contemplation: Invitation to Grow

This post originally appeared on Why did you join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? And why do you stay? These are two very important questions for every Vincentian to meditate upon from time to time. Membership is a vocation, a calling. Each of us heard...

Contemplation: Under the Cross

This post originally appeared on Amélie Ozanam, Blessed Frédéric’s widow, had a brief invocation, or perhaps a motto, that she often added to notes and letters that she wrote. It was “et sub cruce, Hozanna!”, meaning “and under the cross, Hozanna!” in...

Sunday, April 28: the Pope in Venice, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Accompanying his Visit

On Sunday, April 28, Pope Francis visited the city of Venice. Many members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul were present in St. Mark’s Square

Contemplation: A Culture of Welcome – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on Many of our Conferences struggle with finding – and keeping – new members. Often, when this happens, we begin to tell ourselves that perhaps we are asking too much of potential members; scaring them off with the notion of...