Technology: Issues and Uses

Why do videos of singing nuns and tap-dancing priests go viral?

Why do videos of singing nuns and tap-dancing priests go viral? Such is the headline of an article in Crux. Between them they have racked up 60 million views

Be honest! What is your attention span?

Be honest! What is your attention span? Noted social media guru Beth Kanter reflects on “How To Train Your Attention and Be Effective When Working Online”

Blogging nuns, Tweeting monks, even a Pope

(There is) a movement sweeping the Catholic world: monks, nuns, everyday people of faith, and, most famously, the Pope himself, are embracing digital media

Second annual SVdP International Youth Videoconference

The second annual SVdP International Youth Videoconference is coming! In two weeks, onFriday, September 26 (Saturday, September 27 for some of you) at 8:30 p.m. in time zone UTC-6, we will be reuniting via the internet!

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