Sisters of Charity

Prayer for Birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Prayer service for the birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on August 28.

Sisters Of Charity Elect New President, Continue Mission

The Sisters of Charity of New York elected Sister Donna Dodge as its 25th president, guiding the holy women into the group’s third century of service.

The Mission Continues: Who is My Neighbor?

In a video created by the Sisters of Charity of New York, ministry leaders respond to the question: “Who is our neighbor?”– those most in need of our love and support in our times.

Public Statement Release of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ

The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, during their recently finished General Assembly, they published the following Public Statement.

The Princess Project #IamVincent

The Princess Project #IamVincent

Wouldn’t it be great if we …” has been the beginning to countless programs in the 200-year history of the Sisters of Charity of New York, programs that have responded to needs both big and small. As our mission continues to grow through our sponsored works, we witness...