
Vincentian Advent Reflections 2023 – Week 2

We are called to be compassionate to all.

A Canadian View: Hope Can Overcome Hopelessness 

As we enter another Christmas time with lots of hopes and prayers it may be a good time to reflect on this world, we are living in which at times seems like a hopeless situation for many. 

A Vincentian View: Back to the Beginning

Are you ready for the beginning of a new liturgical year?

Is Advent “Missing In Action?”

During this Advent season, may I suggest a modest approach to recovering the sense of our radical  Advent hope.

Delight the Earth and Enlighten the World

Delight the Earth and Enlighten the World

Jesus is the great light that shines on those who walk in the dark.  He is the delight of those who live in the land of gloom. As God’s wisdom, Jesus rejoices in the earth and finds his delight in humans (see Prov 8, 31).  And, of course, for him to be with us also...

Delight the Earth and Enlighten the World

Approach Jesus Christ with All Our Being

Jesus is the Son through whom God has spoken to us humans in these last days.  We Christians are to approach and hear him, and be what he says. God wanted the Israelites to prepare for his coming down to Mount Sinai to give them the law.  He told them, through Moses,...