
Agree and Disagree in the Church

Jesus is in our midst as we gather together in his name.  It is due to him that we agree with one other and with our Father in heaven. It is enough that two agree, that two or three gather....  So, in the first place, we do not need a megachurch.  Nor is it needed, in...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Charity AND Justice

Vincent saw the bigger picture than just that presented by an immediate need!

To Serve the Poor in their Material and Spiritual Need (Part II)

During this time of pandemic the Vincentian Family is being challenged to become creative in responding to people’s spiritual and material needs. Part 2

The First Members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and the Pandemics

Pandemics are nothing new in the history of humanity. They are unfortunately all too common: we have experienced several during the 21st century.

Bit by bit

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), June 14, 2015 – Ez 17, 22-24; 2 Cor 5, 6-10; Mk 4, 26-34 We are always confident (2 Cor 5, 6) Jesus wants his little flock to trust always in the Lord. We humans are easily impressed by outward appearance: lofty stature, imposing...

Inventive love blooming where it is planted

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (B), June 7, 2015 – Ex 24, 3-8; Heb 9, 11-15; Mk 14, 12-16. 22-26 He is mediator of a new covenant (Heb 9, 15) To belong to the new covenant is to draw our life from Jesus’ love and to live loving as he did. Since Jesus shed his...

Pat Griffin CM – A Free Spirit

Pat Griffin CM – A Free Spirit

And so, the Spirit is free. From the view of that Spirit, “liberal” and “conservative” must and do tend in the same direction. As persons consecrated by that divine presence, we pray for her outpouring in our lives and ministries as Pentecost comes upon us.


Most Holy Trinity (B), May 31, 2015 – Dt 4, 32-34. 39-40; Rom 8, 14-17; Mt 28, 16-20 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Mt 28, 19) God’s overflowing love reaches us human beings so that may be, in the Son and by the working of the Holy...

Breathing our first at last

Pentecost Sunday (B), May 24, 2015 – Acts 2, 1-11; 1 Cor 12, 3b-7. 12-13; Jn 20, 19-23 They were astounded (Acts 2, 7) We are given a share in the divine breath so that we may be created anew according to the full stature of Christ. God blew the breath of life into...