
Has a Cell Phone Become a Basic Need?

Has the cell phone become a basis need for us… and those experiencing homelessness?

VLM/VMC Impact: The Decision to Be Vincentian at My Job and in My Life

I was sure that I was not coming to Chepnyal to cause harm in anyway, therefore the promise of coming in peace and leaving in peace appeared easy.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 18: Recognize Myself as Fragile and Dependent

There is no doubt that there is a need to recognize ourselves as fragile and dependent…

A Vincentian View: The Christ of Vincent de Paul

The pleasure of reading Vincentian authors on the meaning of Christ for Vincent, of looking at Vincent’s own writings and preaching, and of studying the events of his life has tendered me a blessing

Family and Service

Family and Service

I believe we have to try to put ourselves in the place of the family who has lost all, especially hope and we have to in some way bring them hope and love them as our brothers and sisters, our family.

Getting in the Spirit

Getting in the Spirit

Father Tom McKenna offers the following reflection Getting “In the Spirit”     (Samuel 18; Romans 8) The story of David and Goliath is set inside a larger narrative about the fall of Saul and the rise of David. And the difference between these two is that one, Saul,...

What about our Muslim students?

What about our Muslim students?

What about our Muslim students? This is a question Sr. Annelle Fitzpatrick CSJ, raises in the context of a forthcoming article in Vincentian Heritage. In “HOSPITALITY ON A VINCENTIAN CAMPUS: WELCOMING THE STRANGER OUTSIDE OUR TENT” she explores practical approaches to...

Evangelize the poor with certainty

Evangelize the poor with certainty

Jesus has been sent to evangelize the poor. God anointed him with the Spirit for this mission. But to evangelize is not something “spiritual” in the sense of “unreal” or “useless” even. To evangelize is not just to announce the Gospel by word and in an abstract...

Getting in the Spirit

Hannah’s Prayer – Fr. Tom McKenna

Fr. Tom Mckenna offers this reflection on Hannah’s Prayer     (I Samuel 1:9-20) In a talk on the spirituality of the Twelve Steps, the speaker told a story of a woman who was being swept along in a powerful ocean current. She was a swimmer and so at first wasn’t...

Family and Service

Let God In

Let God In - Called by Name - Forgive and ask for Forgiveness - Ordinary Time Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday January 19, 2016 Dear Vincentian Family- Please pray and serve with Mercy in this Jubilee year.  Pray for our clergy, religious and seminarians. ...