
Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent III

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “…Your first thought should be of God: thank Him for having preserved you during the night…”

Lenten Video Series: Day 35, Greater Than Ourselves

This Lent, we offer to you the 2021 Lenten Video Series created by the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal. Day 35: Greater Than Ourselves.

Death and Resurrection

What is the meaning of death for Catholics?

Palm Sunday Reflection by Fr. Rojan George, V.C. (Video)

Today we share this Palm Sunday reflection by Fr Rojan George, V.C. of the Vincentian Retreat Centre, Melbourne, Australia (over 20K YouTube subscribers). From their website: VINCENTIAN CONGREGATION The Vincentian Congregation is a...
Letting Truth Appear

Letting Truth Appear

Letting Truth Appear (John 8:31-42) It’s not often I get stunned by the cover of a magazine, but the one on Time in late March accomplished that. In dark letters set against a darker background was the question, “Is Truth Dead?” The phrase caught a feeling I only half...

Burning, Listening and Welcoming

Burning, Listening and Welcoming

Jesus is the last word about unheeding, cold and uncaring hearts turning into hearts that listen, are burning and welcoming. The disciples heading toward Emmaus know that the word, like the flames shooting out of burning brush, spreads quickly.  Hence, the question of...

Letting Truth Appear

The Defining Backdrop

The Defining Backdrop (Gen. 17:5-9; Jn. 17) In the middle of Genesis, we come across the classic phrasing of a central theme running all through both Testaments of the bible, the Covenant. After telling Abraham He will make him the father of nations, Yahweh says, “I...