
The Pope Video • The World of Finance

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: The World of Finance.

Mary and the Mommy School

Three words sum up Mary’s attitude: listening, decision, action. They are words that point out a way for us too as we face what the Lord asks of us in life. Listening, decision, action. (Pope Francis)

Public Transportation – Convenience, Hassle, or Lifeline

A 2015 Harvard study found that access to reliable transportation is the biggest factor in determining whether someone will escape poverty and avoid homelessness.

Setting Out (Acts 9:1-20)

As far as beginnings go, we’d have to look far and wide to find something more dramatic than the one portrayed in chapter 9 of the Acts of the Apostles: Paul knocked over and blinded on that Damascus road.

Treasure without Price and wholly Gladdening

Treasure without Price and wholly Gladdening

In Jesus Christ is hidden the priceless treasure that can make us wholly happy.  In him begins and ends, therefore, the search for the true treasure. Jesus starts his public ministry by announcing that the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  He points out in some way that...

Out of Season

Out of Season

At the start of the Easter season this year I was inspired by a reading that emphasized celebrating the 50 days of Easter. Yet as the season has unfolded there has been much more dying and death in my life than resurrection. I find it nearly impossible to continue to...

Five Things Vincent Thought About Mercy

Five Things Vincent Thought About Mercy

Paulino Sáez López, CM reflects on "The Value of Mercy according to Vincent de Paul.” Here are five points that struck me from his well-documented article. He writes from the perspective that in the time of Vincent "the words mercy, compassion, and charity have much...

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle Years ago I heard Fr. Robert Maloney say something about St. Vincent de Paul I never forgot. “Hardly have I ever read somebody who could come down on one side of an issue and then 50 pages later say something the exact opposite.” And...

Treasure without Price and wholly Gladdening

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Jesus is the patience of God.  God is, undoubtedly, great and does wondrous deeds.  Yet he is merciful at the same time. We need patience, those of us who are in a hurry.  So, little wonder we love fast food. We do not like, besides, long lines of people at the bank...