
 A Closer Walk (John 2:13-25)

Early in St. John’s gospel, we see Jesus resolutely striding into the outer courtyard of the Jerusalem Temple, a space bordering on what the Jewish people acknowledged to be God’s own Dwelling place.

“Real Families”

In my active years of helping families, I often heard two seemingly contradictory thoughts about parents in “real families.”

Contemplation: A Friend of a Friend – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on Have you ever had a friend with very different interests than your own? Maybe he was a big baseball fan, and you just didn’t follow that sport, or he had a great appreciation for art, but you couldn’t stand museums. How did...

Deny, Slap, Beat, Crucify Jesus

Jesus, in life and in death, is one with those who are poor, who have no power, whom others cast out. Hence, we cannot but deny him if we turn our backs on them. We read that many give false witness against Jesus before the Sanhedrin but that they do not agree in what...
Tasks for the Servants of Jesus

Tasks for the Servants of Jesus

Jesus has chosen and brought us to his house.  And he has assigned us tasks that we have to carry out as we wait for him to come back. There are not a few of us who do not do not fulfill our assigned tasks.  Is this due to our not being of those who are wise,...

Tasks for the Servants of Jesus

Brother Especially to the Outcasts

Shepherd and King, Jesus leads us and saves us.  He is a brother to all, especially to those who are poor.  He wants us to be brothers and sisters to all as he is. Our Leader and Savior is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters.  This, of course, means that he is...